Understanding Display Regulations for Loose Cannabis Flowers
Hello, this is Oklahoma Cannabis Business Attorney Jesse Kovacs with the OK Cannabis Law Office. Today we’re going to be discussing the rules regarding the display of loose flowers in cannabis dispensaries. The maximum amount allowed in display jars is three grams, and it is important to note that this product is for display purposes only and cannot be sold.
It is crucial to have a plastic or metal mesh screen on top of each display jar to prevent customers from grabbing the product. Failure to have these screens in place can result in enforcement action being taken against licensees. Additionally, each display case, jar, or container must be labeled with specific information including the grower’s name, strain name, batch number, and a statement indicating that the product is a sample and not for retail sale.
Low-cost Consultation Available
If you have any questions or concerns about the rules regarding displaying loose flowers in your cannabis dispensary or any other legal matters related to the cannabis industry, please do not hesitate to contact a lawyer for Oklahoma marijuana business formation. We offer a low-cost consultation to discuss your specific needs and how we can help you navigate the complex legal landscape of the cannabis business. Call us today at 918-932-2879 to schedule your consultation.