Transaction Limits and Inhaler Products
Hello, this is Oklahoma cannabis business attorney Jesse Kovacs with the OK Cannabis Law Office. Today, we’re going to be asking for purposes of the transaction limits. How do we categorize inhaler products?
Now, some of you may be distributing or have seen these products that basically look like asthma inhalers or measured dose for medical marijuana. And the question has come up like, how do we categorize this stuff? The answer to that would be as a concentrate.
Categorizing Inhaler Products
So generally speaking, if you are dealing with a product that is inhaled and is pulmonized through the lungs and it’s not just flour, it’s most likely going to be a concentrate. And that’s how we are going to categorize inhaler products and other similar products like that.
Now, if this information was helpful to you, you can find more like it at our website, OklahomaMedicalMarijuana.Attorney.
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