Stay compliant!
Hello, this is Oklahoma Cannabis Business Attorney Jesse Kovacs with the OK Cannabis Law Office. And today we’re asking, does OMMA employ a secret shopper program to test medical marijuana licensees for compliance?
The answer is yes. Yes, we have very much reason to believe that OMMA is employing secret shoppers. We know by statute and rules and regulations that they can, they’re permitted to by law to go around.
If you don’t know what a secret shopper program is, it’s where a, you know, an official for OMMA or someone hired by OMMA goes around, purchases medical marijuana products from dispensaries or even from grows and either test that product to see if it meets all the compliance requirements or to see if the seller is complying with all the regulations around making those transactions.
Why is OMMA using secret shoppers?
The purpose of employing secret shoppers is to ensure that medical marijuana licensees are following all the rules and regulations set by OMMA. By conducting undercover purchases and inspections, OMMA can identify any violations or non-compliance issues that may exist within the industry.
It is important to note that secret shoppers are not meant to catch licensees off-guard or to be punitive in nature. Rather, they are a proactive measure to maintain the integrity and safety of the medical marijuana program in Oklahoma.
How can licensees avoid trouble?
The best way for licensees to avoid any issues with secret shoppers and remain compliant is to strictly adhere to all the rules and regulations surrounding their operations. This includes proper record-keeping, accurate labeling of products, and following guidelines for transactions and sales.
It is also crucial to be cautious of any deals or offers that seem too good to be true and that may involve bending the rules. These could potentially be setups by OMMA secret shoppers. It is always better to prioritize compliance and transparency in order to maintain a positive standing within the industry.
Get a Low-cost Strategy Session with our Cannabis Business Attorney
If you found this information helpful and want further assistance with navigating the legal aspects of the medical marijuana industry in Oklahoma, we invite you to visit our website at Contact us today for a low-cost consultation with our experienced cannabis business attorney.