If you Own a Dispensary, Contact a Qualified Medical Marijuana Attorney
Video Transcribed: Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Attorney Isaiah Brydie coming at you with another video. In this video, I’m going to be tackling a question that I’ve gotten a couple of times since this whole coronavirus medical marijuana stuff has sprung up, and that’s whether or not medical marijuana businesses could start doing delivery services to their patients who might be stuck in the house or can’t leave or anything.
The short answer is no. One of the things that happen while dispensaries and medical marijuana businesses have been deemed essential businesses. Sadly there was not an extension on the rules to allow for at home deliveries. That poses the question of what can you do? There are a couple of things that medical marijuana businesses can do. Medical marijuana businesses, during this time, they can do curbside services, so you can basically transport medical marijuana from the dispense relocation itself to individuals in their cars.
If you have drive through, then this would be a good time to start implementing drive through services, so we can cut down on a person to person contact, cut down on the amount of people who are in the dispensary themselves.
This is another good question that I’ve kept getting was, who all can purchase medical marijuana during this time? That’s going to be the same as it was before. That’s going to be the actual licensed patient or the patient’s licensed caregiver. Those are going to be the people who you can still sell medical marijuana to on a dispensary level.
I know a lot of the dispensaries that I represent, they’ve been getting calls from individuals who they have a medical marijuana patient card, but because they have immunodeficiency, they’re uncomfortable with leaving their home, so they can’t go and get their medication. They’ve been asking if they can send their son or if they can send their spouse or significant other to go and get your product for them.
Sadly, the answer is no. What these individuals can do is have that person apply for a caregiver’s license, so then they would be empowered to go and they got medical marijuana for them, people who they’d be caregivers too. I do know this for a fact. The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority is still open. They’re still processing applications. They are still taking applications for both business licenses and patient licenses.
They’re just simply working from home. If you call them, someone will give you a call back if you don’t get directed to a person immediately. While this isn’t an ideal situation to find ourselves in, there are still some things that can be done. Again, this is Isaiah Brydie signing off.