Legal Victory: Defeating OMMA Petition Dismissals for Cannabis Businesses
Hello, this is Oklahoma cannabis business attorney Jesse Kovach with the OK Cannabis Law Office. Today, we’ve got another success video. We’ve got another dismissal obtained in an OMA petition. This one was for a failure to work towards operational status. We’ve had quite a few of these cases come through our office and we’ve been able to knock out every single one.
So this client in particular had contracted with a subcontractor to build out at his location and also to oversee the acquisition of some permits. And those are certainly things that count as working towards operational status. So if you got a petition based on this allegation, but you feel like you have done enough to try to become operational, if you’ve been doing construction, you’ve been obtaining materials, you’ve been obtaining permits, stuff like that, then don’t give up, reach out to an attorney like me and fight that case because it is winnable.
Consultation for Your OMMA Case
If this information was helpful to you and you want to find more like it, you can find more at our website, For a low-cost consultation to discuss your OMMA case and potential dismissal, contact an OMMA compliance attorney in Oklahoma at 918-932-2879. Our experienced team is here to help you navigate the legal process and achieve the best outcome for your situation.